A few bits for the week...
- Level Ground Field trip forms went home this week. Please sign and return forms asap. Also, we'll need parent-drivers to make it work so please consider helping out.
- Thanks to everyone who has made it out to morning walks so far. There are lots of empty spots over the next three weeks. Sign up here.
- More opportunities for volunteering! Caitlyn Addlestone is organizing the scrapbook team and the grad hat team. Thank you Caitlyn!! Please contact Caitlyn for details. (claitlyn@gmail.com)
- Here's a link to Panorama's Summer Camp Guide.
- Sharing next week will be Ryder on Monday, Addison on Tuesday, Aleah on Wednesday, Avery on Thursday, and Clara on Friday.
- Level Ground Field Trip - June 14th
- Central Saanich Police Guest Visit - June 18th
- Sensation Sea Guest Visit - June 19th
- School Service Assembly - June 20th
- National Indigenous Day - June 21st
- Kindergrad - June 24th
- Grade 5 Farewell Assembly - June 25th
- Brentwood Fun Day - June 26th
- Pancake Breakfast/Last Day of School - June 27th