Tracey Westwood's K2

Friday, May 24th Update

Picture of Tracey Westwood
Friday, May 24th Update
by Tracey Westwood - Friday, 24 May 2019, 3:57 PM

A few bits for the week...

  • A heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS to Poppy, Duke, Shawna, and Shane on the arrival of a baby girl!  I hope we get to meet little Scottie soon.  We know Poppy we be a wonderful big sister!
  • Thanks to Peter Richardson and Sean Tyrell for helping us on our library trip. Everyone has a book to care for and a library card in their backpack or lunch kit.  The sticky note, if it has one, is the password.
  • June is nearly upon us.  Soon, I'll be looking for volunteers to make our "graduation" caps.  We'll need our scrapbook volunteers to get the glue sticks out. And, if you have any thoughts on a year end party, let me know. 
  • Sharing next week is Poppy on Monday, Quinn on Tuesday, Ryder on Wednesday, Violet on Thursday, and Zach on Friday.

Have a great weekend!