Commencing Wednesday, April 30, 2014 students will be dismissed at 2: 33pm Your child will be bringing home a notice today from the District, informing you of an important decision to change the bell schedule at school. An excerpt from the letter from the Superintendent of Schools reads as follows:
At an in-camera meeting of the Board of Education held on April 23, 2014, trustees voted to
cancel recess starting Wednesday, April 30. Many other districts in the province are also taking
this step due to Phase 1 of Teacher Job Action. The rationale for this decision is twofold; we have a significant concern about our ability to ensure student safety in all areas of our schools, and, the Board wishes to declare its position that during this labour dispute there needs to be a level of pressure placed on all parties, not just those employees undertaking supervision. As many of you remember, a dispute of a similar nature and a similar withdrawal of duties in 2011/12 lasted for eight months and had no impact on the bargaining processes.
Please click on the attatchment to see the full letter.