Front Page News

2014-2015 School Calendar Options

2014-2015 School Calendar Options
by Shelley Hardcastle - Thursday, 30 January 2014, 4:17 PM
2014-2015 School Calendar Options and Request for Feedback
At the January 22, 2014 meeting of the Board of Education a motion was passed to seek parent and staff feedback on two options for the 2014/15 CALENDAR.  The two calendar options are now posted on the home page of the district website ( or available at the Brentwood's Front Office.

At the bottom of  each calendar presented you will find some explanatory notes and rationale statements.  Please review these and select the link  for the survey that pertains to you (employee or parent).  If you do not have access to the internet you are welcome to pick up a survey from our front office to complete.   Please take a few moments to fill out the survey and provide additional comments if you wish to do so.  One survey response per household only.  If you are an employee and a parent in the district, please complete the survey as an employee.

The survey will be open until February 15.

The data collected will be presented to the Board of Education at the regular Board meeting on Wednesday, March 4, 2014.