Welcome Back Brentwood Eagles!
We hope you all had a wonderful Spring Break finding time to do the things you enjoy with the people you love. Last term we engaged in many fun activities at Brentwood School: from our reading challenge by the Central Saanich Police Department, to welcoming Stelly's students to engage in PE activities along with refereeing our Grade 4/5 Basketball Jamboree. Students have also been enjoying learning outside of the classroom again via field trips and community walks, and we celebrated Pink Shirt Day as school by walking and grooving to music during an afternoon "make a new buddy" walk. There were many more activities to be had throughout the term, and we look forward to another awesome final term together.
As shared by our Superintendent, Mr. Eberwein, when we return to school tomorrow we will be looking at some different COVID-19 protocols at our Saanich schools:
- Masks will now be a choice for all students and staff in our buildings (K-12), and one that will be respected as a personal decision. This is in response to the PHO Health Order from March 11th.
- We are expecting a further announcement from Dr. Henry on April 7th and details will be provided once we know the specifics of any further changes.
If you have travelled internationally during Spring Break you and your children are still required to follow all Federal COVID-19 Regulations. These regulations can be found in their entirety on the Government of Canada website, but below are some key points:
- All adults and children (aged 5 and older) who travelled internationally must wear a well-constructed and well-fitting mask at all indoor and outdoor public spaces, including K–12 schools, for the first 14 days after entry.
- This means that wearing a mask at school is not a personal choice for 14 days after entry into Canada if you have travelled internationally.
- Adults and children must also monitor for symptoms for 14 days after entry and follow federal requirements for self-isolation and quarantine if symptoms develop and/or they test positive for COVID-19.
We are looking forward to welcoming your children back at school tomorrow.