Hello Brentwood Eagle Families
This message is for families of our Grade 1-5 students.
We look forward to seeing our Grade 1-5 students on September 7 from 8:40am- 10:15am. Morning busses will run on their regular schedules, and busses home will leave Brentwood at 10:15am. Beginning September 8, Grades 1-5 will attend full days 8:40am-2:48pm and busses will run on regular schedule.
Upon arriving at school on September 7, returning grades 1-5 students will proceed to their last year's class line up spots where they will be met by their teacher. New to Brentwood students will meet with school staff at our flag poles at the front of the school to be placed with grade group peers for the first few days of school. We are hopeful to move all students to their 2021-2022 class placements as soon as possible. We look forward to having the first few days together to reconnect with all our returning Brentwood Eagles and meet our new Eagles as well. To avoid gathering and crowding, children are encouraged to walk independently to their last year's lineup spots. We thank families for your help with easing crowding at drop off and pick up times and allowing ample space to honour everyone's comfort levels with personal space needs. School supplies for the new school year can stay at home until your child's 2021-2022 assigned classroom teacher advises you to send them in. For the first week of school, snacks, lunches, and water bottles are all children will require. Please remember we are an allergy aware school, and we appreciate nut-free lunches in our school.
We look forward to being back together and are working together to have another successful year here at Brentwood. Following the current Communicable Disease Plan, school staff and Grades 4 and 5 students are to wear masks while indoors. A link to the provincial plan can be found here. If you have specific questions about this, please contact our Principal , Sara Salemink, at ssalemink@saanichschools.ca.
We will be in touch in the coming weeks about many ways we can connect as a wider community. Looking forward to all that is to come!