Brentwood StrongStart News

Lock-Down drill and other information

Picture of Adelina Gotera
Lock-Down drill and other information
by Adelina Gotera - Wednesday, 12 September 2012, 3:56 PM
Dear Parents, Grandparents and Caregivers,

If you are attending the StrongStart program tomorrow, Thursday, September 20th, may I inform you that we will participate in the school Lock-down drill at 10:00 a.m. The drill may last for a few minutes. For your information, kindly find below the Lock-down procedures.

Brentwood Elementary School
Lock-down Procedures
Updated – Sept. 2011

Once the need for a lock-down has presented itself, Administration or their Designate will initiate the lock-down via the PA, stating
“This is a Lock- down, this is not a drill” (3X)
Assume it is an “inside threat.”

1. Clear hallways. Instruct all students to immediately enter the nearest classroom whether they are your students or not.
2. Without delay, lock all doors providing access to the classroom. Under no circumstances should the door be opened once it has been closed & locked. Make sure TOC's are aware of this.
3. Shut off lights, close blinds and cover classroom door window(s) where possible.
4. Direct students to an area where there will be the least possibility of being seen and instruct them to sit on floor in silence. Keep away from windows. Students may be in this area for a prolonged amount of time.
5. There should be no use of school phones/cell phones at this time. Please keep all lines open.
6. Lockdown will continue until the “All Clear” is broadcast on the school PA. - Prior to the “All Clear” broadcast, teachers will be asked to send attendance to office VIA COMPUTER – at this point it will have been deemed safe for movement in the classrooms but students will remain in the space until all students have been accounted for and the “All Clear” is given – at which point doors can be unlocked and people return to their appropriate places.

If you have any question or concern, please do not hesitate to discuss it with me when I see you tomorrow. Our time is still the same: 9:00 am until 12:05.
Library time is cancelled.

Further, may I inform you of the following:

Monday, September 24th is School Professional Day. StrongStart will be closed.

We will be celebrating Thanksgiving Day on Tuesday, October 9th. We will also be celebrating Benjamin's 3rd birthday on the same day.

Halloween celebration will be on Tuesday, October 30th. Each child and caregiver is invited to dress up in your best Halloween costume. Come one.. come all!
