Hello Brentwood Eagle Families
We would like to share a few updates with you as we begin our new week. We also want to thank you for your ongoing support as we work to solidify our new health and safety routines as we use teamwork to keep all of our Eagles safe and well.
Terry Fox Run- Brentwood Eagles are great athletes and participate in the Terry Fox Run each September. This year, the Terry Fox Foundation has a new event structure to be in compliance with health and safety protocols. At Brentwood, students will be participating by cohort in this mini-event on Thursday, September 24 with their class cohort only. If families wish to send a "Toonie for Terry," you may and we will send these on behalf of our Eagles to the Terry Fox Foundation.
Pro D Day- On September 28, there will be no school for students. Our staff will be participating in a professional development day focused on Indigenous Education.
Orange Shirt Day- On September 30, our school will participate in Orange Shirt Day. Anyone who wishes to may wear an orange shirt as we remember the message "Every Child Matters" and the ongoing impacts of residential schools. A short video about the history of Orange Shirt Day can be found here, shared by the Orange Shirt Day founder, Phyllis Webstad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3vUqr01kAk
Picture Day- Individual pictures will take place on October 9. Lifetouch photography also has increased safety protocols in response to COVID-19 and will be ready to capture those smiling faces from a safe distance.
Pick up and Drop off: Thanks for your assistance of dropping children off at the gates and allowing staff to support them getting to their line ups for the beginning of the day. A friendly reminder to please keep an "Eagle Wing" (6 feet) distance from others while waiting to drop off and pick up your Brentwood Eagle. Brentwood staff and our PAC remind you that we are all in this together and are following PHO guidelines. Should 6 feet distance not be possible to maintain, we remind you that mask use is an encouraged precaution for adults.
Meet the staff: We will be shifting to a virtual format for this year's event. More information on this will be coming next week-- thank you for your understanding and support of the need to follow health and safety guidelines as we work toward facilitating these home and school connections.
CO-OP Number: The Brentwood PAC supports our school in so many ways! One simple way that families can support our PAC is to use the Brenwtood PAC CO-OP #2050 when shopping. Thanks for considering,
Have a wonderful week!