Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Dear Brentwood Eagle Families,
While we are very much looking forward to welcoming all students back to school, this is an unprecedented situation and school will look different for students. The purpose of this communication is to provide families with as much information as possible about our planning process. Please understand that this information may need to change and adjust to be responsive to the circumstances. We are committed to ensuring that you have timely information about any changes that may need to be made.
We request that you read the information below very carefully as it is critical to ensure a safe and organized September for all.
School Start up:
Information for all students:
Limited bus service will be provided only upon request for the orientation days. To request service, please email no later than September 2nd.
The purpose of the orientation day is to provide information about class placement and to review health and safety routines with students.
We ask that parents/guardians please drop off their children no more than 15 minutes early and remain off the school grounds for health and safety reasons. Playgrounds will be closed before school on these two days in order to support Health and Safety routines.
Staff will greet your children at the marked entry areas and escort them to their assigned cohort area.
If you would like to meet with school staff, please make an appointment through the school office.
Full school days and bus service will begin on Monday, September 14 (Grade 1-5). If needed, please ensure that you have registered for the bus through the Saanich Schools website.
Grades 1-5:
Our orientation week is structured to ensure that we are able to maintain physical distancing, and allow for all students to have a chance to learn the new health and safety guidelines within our school. We will not be returning to last year’s classes. The below schedule is for grade 1-5 students only. Please bring a nut-free snack and water bottle. Backpacks and indoor shoes are not necessary during orientation week. Your student will attend in the following schedule on September 10th or 11th:
Grade 1 students- September 10th, 8:40am -10:10am
Grade 2 and 3 students- September 10th, 12:30pm-2:00pm
Grade 4 and 5 students- September 11th, 8:40am -10:10am
Please note that the grade listed above is your child’s current year (2020-2021) placement. Upon arrival, your child will receive a wristband to help identify cohorts (student learning group). Please keep this band on your child’s wrist as students will be required to wear them for successful school start up for several days.
On September 9th, your family will be contacted and given a colour for each student. This colour represents your student’s cohort. Upon arrival at school during the Orientation week, your child will be directed to a meeting spot for cohort colour groups. The map of this will also be shared on our school website. Students will wait at the assigned area until directed by a staff member into the school. We will have lots of staff available to help with this and each area will also be marked with coloured balloons. Children will be dismissed at these same locations during orientation week. Your child will be informed upon their first day at school where they will meet their class moving forward. We will also have a welcome table on the orientation days to assist with escorting students to the correct cohort location.
Grade 1- 5 students are asked to bring school supplies Monday, September 14. Please see our school website for lists.
Regular hours of instruction begin on Monday September 14 (8:40am-2:48pm) for grades 1-5.
We have adjusted our gradual entry schedule in alignment with our orientation week. In July, your family received a letter informing you of your child’s group (A, B, C). Your group remains unchanged. The new schedule is below. Families will meet at the black top (on our colour coded map, this is near the yellow and pink dots). Kindergarten families are asked to bring school supplies on Thursday, September 17. Please follow the rest of the details in your welcome letter (received in July) in regards to snacks, lunches, shoes, etc. Upon arrival, your child will receive a wristband to help identify cohorts (student learning group). Please keep this band on your child’s wrist as students will be required to wear them for successful school start up for several days.
Group A | Group B | Group C | |
Friday, Sept. 11 | 1:00pm-2:15pm | 9:00am-10:20am | 10:45-12:15pm |
Monday, Sept. 14 | 9:00am-10:20am | 10:45-12:15pm | 1:00pm-2:15pm |
Tuesday, Sept. 15 | 10:45-12:15pm | 1:00pm-2:15pm | 9:00am-10:20am |
Wednesday, Sept. 16 | 9:00 am-1:00 pm | 9:00 am-1:00 pm | 9:00 am-1:00 pm |
Thursday, Sept. 17 | 9:00 am-1:00 pm | 9:00 am-1:00 pm | 9:00 am-1:00 pm |
Friday, Sept. 18 (regular hours begin for kindergarten) | 8:40am-2:48pm | 8:40am-2:48pm | 8:40am-2:48pm |
Structure of the School Day
There will be no changes to the beginning and end of the school day from previous years. The school schedule will be available on the district and/or school website.
Students will remain with their assigned classroom for instructional time.
Classes will be connected to create a learning cohort of under 60 students and staff.
Recess and lunch breaks will be staggered to allow for greater distancing between cohorts. Play areas will be divided so that cohorts have separate spaces to enjoy their breaks.
If students are taught by a staff member outside of their cohort, PPE and/or physical distancing will be used
Health and Safety Routines
Administrative staff will share school specific Health and Safety routines and schedules with families early next week in the areas of:
Hand washing and hand sanitizing
Hallway movement directions and routines
Entering into different doors and/or staggered times
More information regarding daily health checks and other health and safety measures will be shared with families early next week
Students will be given wristbands as described in the above section for their cohort groups.
Action Items for Parents
Review the above routines with your student
Notify the school by Friday, August 28th if you have an alternative plan for your student (i.e Distributed Learning)
If you require bus service for the orientation day (September 10/11) please contact by September 2nd.
We understand that the COVID pandemic has been extremely stressful for families and that there is significant apprehension regarding the start of school. We are committed to working alongside families and students to make this experience as positive and rewarding as possible. As always, we look forward to having students back at school learning and growing and having fun along the way. Please feel free to contact our Principal, Sara Salemink, at with any questions you may have, and we look forward to our Eagles soaring together once again!