Front Page News

Reporting Language

Picture of Sara Salemink
Reporting Language
by Sara Salemink - Monday, 16 December 2019, 10:42 AM

Hello Families

Please see the below letter from Carly Hunter, Director of Instruction. This document explains the language you will see used in your child's reports which will be coming home this week. At our school, reports or FreshGrade term summaries will be distributed on or before December 19. Thank you.


Dear Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s):

Formal communication about student learning will come home before the winter holiday. This communication represents a snapshot of your child’s learning after a shortened fall term. The purpose is to allow parents/guardians an opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of where their child is with their learning and where they will go next.  Learning is a process and we encourage you to have conversations with your child about their learning journey. 

In Saanich, as with other districts around the province, we use the BC Ministry Proficiency Scale to communicate students’ level of understanding within a given subject area. The Ministry has created the following visual to help explain the new language.
