Front Page News

A message from Brentwood Pac President

A message from Brentwood Pac President
by Shelley Hardcastle - Friday, 15 September 2017, 4:46 PM

There seems to be some misunderstanding with the hand out that went out today. We do have a PAC executive this year. The handout was simply to let people know what we do and what positions there are when they do come up. There are also many other volunteer positions that aren't on the executive. If you are interested in being on the executive let us know and we can see if there is a position for you next year. As this is my last year at the school we will need someone, or 2 p
eople to share the position of PAC President next year. The executive this year is Michelle Martin and Emma Sharp (Co-Presidents), Michelle Cooper (Treasurer), Christine Norman (Recording Secretary) Bonnie Doyle (Member at Large) Charlene Rozon (Member at Large) Niki McIlveen (CoPacs Representative) First Nations Representative (We still need someone). Please email or contact 250-893-9975 if you have any questions. We look forward to a great year! - Michelle Martin