Front Page News

Please Help Keep Everyone Safe in our Parking Lot

Please Help Keep Everyone Safe in our Parking Lot
by Shelley Hardcastle - Friday, 8 September 2017, 10:55 AM

Please Help Keep Everyone Safe in our Parking Lot

  • Pedestrians – PLEASE cross at the crosswalk

  • Pedestrians – please do NOT cross from the median to the opposite corner of the parking lot – this means that you are going through three potential lines of traffic – please use the crosswalk or travel around the back of the parking lot if you are parked by the Condo side of the parking lot.

  • Scooters, Bikes and Wheeled Devices are to be WALKED on the school grounds half an hour before and after school to avoid pedestrian collisions. Thank you for reminding your child if they wheel to school

    • CARS – dropping off or picking up students - please pull up either after or before the painted yellow crosswalk lines on either sides of the raised median. Students are supervised at this crosswalk before and after school. Please do not pick up   or drop off students in random spots in the parking lot as this creates an unsafe crossing.

          • Have your child ready to go (jackets on, back packs at the ready) so that you do not need to get out of your car.

          • Do not leave your vehicle in the drop off area to walk your child into the school.

          • Have your child come to the crosswalk to safely cross

    • CARS – please DO NOT park in or around the raised median directly after school as this causes unsafe situations with cars pulling around parked vehicles. If the line up backs up and your child has not yet made it outside, we simply ask that you do a loop and come back to the pick up spot. Thank you for your co-operation with this.

Together we can make sure that everyone stays safe at Brentwood School!